
Our most common resources for administrative purposes.

Click Here to download the Reseller Permit

How to Obtain a Sellers Permit

Most creatives tend to have the best success by just calling  1-800-400-7115. You can also visit

Proper Use of a reseller permit

Use your reseller permit to buy only those items that you directly resell in the regular course of your business.


Taxable vs Non Taxable Items with Reseller Permits

  • Greeting cards- the person that made the cards and purchased wholesale does not get taxed. The person that buys it off of the creator/distributor is charged sales tax.
  • Books being directly resold to another person.
  • Products being directly sold to another person.
  • Items for personal, internal business, or household use.
  • Items to be given away.
  • Items used in the business, such as supplies and equipment.
  • Items used by the business in performing the business activity even if billed to customers.
  • Items marketing for own business.
  • Flyers- typically these are charged to the business since they are passing out the fliers for free.
  • Giveaways- tax is charged to the business that gives away the product.
  • Anything given away for free.
  • Items used by the business in performing the business activity even if billed to customers.
  • Items used in the business, such as supplies and equipment.
  • Items used by the business in performing the business activity even if billed to customers.
  • Tools or equipment, (unless you are in the business of directly reselling or renting out such items)

Step 1 Permit Verification

You can click on the following site to ensure your permit is valid:

Click to go to the verification page.

Step 2 Download Resale Form

Download and fill out our form. We need this to verify the product you’re purchasing from us are being resold.

Click to download reseller form.

Step 3 Send filled out reseller form to Nonstop Printing

Send form filled out to and ask for the account to be set as a reseller. Your account will default as a reseller when more than 50% of your work is classified as a resell job.

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